Knowledge-based Management
Applies knowledge-based management to child rights and human rights work. Obun2 aims to help governments make informed decisions that respect and protect human rights, especially the rights of vulnerable populations.
Obun2 is inspired by the African Philisophy of UBUNTU
The Ubuntu philosophy, translates as humanity and humanness, emphasises the concept of connectedness, compassion, social harmony and cooperation, which are essential for human well-being.
Proudly Presented Projects
Obun2 is an innovative, result oriented and impact-driven organisation
Human Rights in Sindh
A dedicated platform to provide comprehensive information on human rights in Sindh
Govt. of Sindh
9 Dec, 2023
Directory of Schools
Schoolvisor recommends parents in their search for a suitable school for their children
schools listed on the portal
visits per day on the portal
State of Children in Pakistan
Comprehensive researched-based information on child rights and child protection in Pakistan
Govt. of Pakistan
12 June, 2024
We use following tools in our work
Investing in Children
Investment in children is an investment in human capital